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WebDriverIO + Node.js -JavaScript UI Automation from Scratch
Section 1: Introduction
Introduction to WebDriverIO and Course FAQ's (7:50)
Important Note on WebDriverIO Versions
Getting started with Node.js and npm installation (10:23)
Understand Package.json with VS Code installation (9:57)
Section 2: JavaScript Fundamentals from Scratch for Automation - Part 1
Important Note
Download Section 2, 3 JavaScript Fundamentals code
Getting started with Hello World Program in VS Code (10:45)
Understanding Variables and Datatypes in JavaScript (9:57)
What are Loops and Conditional Statements in JavaScript (11:24)
Implementing For and While Loop in JavaScript (13:34)
Arrays and its methods in JavaScript with Detailed examples - Part 1 (10:48)
Arrays and its methods in JavaScript with Detailed examples - Part 2 (9:30)
JavaScript Array Stream Functions -( Filter , reduce, Map) - Part 1 (11:44)
JavaScript Array Stream Functions -( Filter , reduce, Map) - Part 2 (9:17)
Sorting JavaScript Arrays with optimized logic (8:10)
Section 3: JavaScript Fundamentals from Scratch for Automation - Part 2
What are Functions in JavaScript? and its advantages (9:08)
Understanding var,let,const Keywords in JavaScript (7:48)
JavaScript String and its manipulation methods with examples - Part 1 (8:55)
JavaScript String and its manipulation methods with examples - Part 2 (7:38)
What are JavaScript objects ? And its importance in Programming (6:40)
Adding methods and functions to JavaScript object and access them (8:17)
Understand JavaScript OOPS Classes and its methods (13:53)
How to Import and Export classes to make it available in other class (6:33)
What is Inheritance and how to achieve this in JavaScript (11:09)
Section 4: Setting up WebDriverIO Automation with all Softwares Installations
Generate WebDriverIo Spec file template and adjust VS Code settings (20:35)
Understand JavaScript Async mode /Promises and how to use async awaits (11:51)
Section 5: Locators to Identify objects with Assertions in WebDriverIO
Introduction to WebDriverIO inbuild expect Statements for Assertion (17:14)
Different Locator techniques available in WebDriverIO to automate - 1 (9:19)
Different Wait Mechanisms available in WebDriverIO Framework (10:56)
Understand Xpath, CSS locators to identify elements using WebDriverIO (6:36)
Section 6: Automate Checkboxes, Dropdowns, Pop ups with WebDriverIO
Where can i find code files?
Build Happy path to sign into page with WebDriverIO (10:56)
Running Tests in Firefox , Microsoft Edge browsers using Selenium Standalone (4:36)
Radiobuttons handling with JavaScript Array logic in WebDriverIO (13:03)
Handling Web Pop ups with WebDriverIO FrameworkNew Lecture (10:06)
How to handle Static dropdowns using WebDriverIO (10:29)
Chai Assertion on selected radiobuttons, dropdown options with WebDriverIO (5:57)
Section 7: Functional Real time validations with WebDriverIO Automation
Important Note before proceeding to next lectures (3:42)
Understand how to Automate Dropdowns with WebDriverIO (14:10)
Handling Checkboxes with WebDriverIO and Save Screenshots of the page (8:35)
Scrolling to invisble object with view mode using WebDriverIO (7:24)
Handling JavaScript related Alerts with WebDriverIO (8:11)
How to Apply Sort the Web tables using WebDriverIO (22:33)
Debugging WebDriverIO Code with Visual Studio editor (14:16)
Automate Search Table functionality with JavaScript Stream methods (10:12)
Section 8: Handling Child Windows and Frames with WebDriverIO
How to handle multiple windows with WebDriver IO (12:00)
Understanding difference between SwitchWindow and NewWindow methods (8:22)
How to Automate Frames using WebDriverIO (13:17)
Section 9: Automation of End to end Flow in ECommerce App using WebDriverIO
Important Note
End to End Functional Automation Part -1 (16:01)
End to End Functional Automation Part -2 (5:40)
End to End Functional Automation Part -3 (13:46)
End to End Functional Automation with Filter,Map, Reduce methods Part - 4 (11:42)
End to End Functional Automation Part -5 (8:19)
Section 10: WebDriverIO + JS Framework Development from Scratch - Part 1
Introduction to WebDriverIo Framework - AGENDA (2:19)
Implementing Page object Design Patterns for Tests - Part 1 (17:36)
Implementing Page object Design Patterns for Tests - Part 2 (4:13)
Updating End to End Test with Page object Pattern Mechanism - Part 1 (9:10)
Updating End to End Test with Page object Pattern Mechanism - Part 2 (6:22)
Parameterize the Test Cases using Mocha Framework and Json Files - Part 1 (13:46)
Parameterize the Test Cases using Mocha Framework and Json Files - Part 2 (4:37)
WebDriverIO + JS Framework Development from Scratch - Part 2
Running Tests in Parallel mode with utilization of Capabilities Mode (10:20)
Running Selected Tests using Mocha Grep options in Framework (5:04)
Importance of Bail and Base URL Options in Configuration file (8:55)
Controlling the execution of Tests through Command Line parameters (6:02)
Running Individual tests and in the group with Mocha Options Run time (5:05)
How to build customized configuration files for Test Execution in WebDriverIO (13:53)
Section 12: WebDriverIO + JS Framework Development from Scratch - Part 3
How to apply Retry Mechanism for Flaky Tests with WebDriverIO Conf (6:12)
Generating Scripts through Node.js from Package.json file for consolidation (6:44)
Generating HTML reports through Allure package from WebDriverIO (9:43)
Converting Allure xml files to official conslidated HTML report with Commands (7:45)
Introduction and Setting up Jenkins (4:11)
Creating new Jenkin job for WebDriverIO Framework execution (10:17)
Integrating Allure reports to Jenkin WeDriverIO Framework Jobs for Post results (13:41)
Section 13: Download the Full Course Code files from here
Download Code in Zip file
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Updating End to End Test with Page object Pattern Mechanism - Part 2
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