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WebServices/REST API Testing with SoapUI
Introduction to Webservices
Course FAQ's (Must Watch) (13:33)
What are Webservices?Understand with Live example (13:23)
Explaining Types of Webservices..-Soap and REST (12:42)
What is WSDL? Importance of it in Webservices (15:31)
DIfferences between WSDL and Soap Protocol (10:42)
Exploring Soap UI Tool Basic Features
SoapUI Installation/Documentation (7:57)
Calculator WebService Example (6:26)
Creating Testsuites and testcases (6:13)
Important Note
Explaining Practice Webservice operations in detail (9:11)
Webservices Testing(Manual) with SoapUI Free Version
Basic Assertions for Test validations (14:35)
Advanced Assertions for validating responses (14:04)
Strategy to use Xpath assertions in Tests (10:12)
Properties Access-Data driven Strategy (13:13)
Accessing properties from Testcase,Suite and project level (10:45)
How to send values from response to another request-Property Transfer (18:10)
End to end exercises (12:09)
Webservices Automation Testing in SoapUI Free version
Introduction to Groovy Script Test step (10:30)
testRunner methods for get and set Property() (14:27)
Accessing and updating the properties through Groovy methods (12:35)
Parsing the Xml requests and responses with XML Holder API (14:23)
Triggering the Soap Requests through Groovy code (9:50)
Practise Exercises- Automate the services (12:26)
Validating the service responses with Assertions (12:29)
Importance of TestRunner and Context variable (15:21)
REST API testing(Manual) with SoapUI Free version
Detailed Rest API Fundamentals from Scratch (42:33)
Quick explanation of Rest API's for Practicing in this course (4:23)
Add and Get Place API calls Example using SoapUI (10:47)
Update & Delete Place API's Demo for testing in SoapUI (7:50)
Code Google Add/Delete Place download
REST API Automation Testing with SoapUI Free version
Create Rest Test Suite & Test cases for Maps API testing (6:46)
Introduction to Script Assertion window with MessageExchange Variables (11:11)
End to end Rest API Automation example with all valid assertions in SOapUI (7:27)
Rest API Json Assertions and Validations
Flicker API Introduction (10:38)
Json Path extraction from responses (10:54)
Json Assertions on parsed responses (7:25)
Advance example on Json Assertions (17:58)
End to End Framework Design
Framework Design Plan (13:35)
Understand Preparing API Tests from the functional Documents (14:29)
API Document download
Building Rest API project in SoapUI (9:31)
create Testcases from the defined API (12:10)
End to End Testing on Library API (12:13)
API xml's download
Install Eclipse and Java for API Automation testing (12:25)
Creation of Java API project for Framework setup (6:09)
WSDL Project concepts for Java tests set up (14:06)
TestNG Integration to the Java API Tests (16:57)
Different combinations of Tests for WSDL API (16:27)
Defining Testng.xml file for one single Trigger point to all tests (7:54)
TestNG commands
Commands to trigger TestNG Java API Tests (10:15)
HTML Reports and Jenkins Installation (16:04)
Integrating the framework with Jenkins (12:01)
Code download
Soap UI PRO Tool extra Features
Basics of Pro version (14:00)
Data Sink (15:00)
Data Source (13:29)
DatGen types (15:52)
Testcase Debugging,Breakpoints (15:11)
Reporting Techniques (15:57)
Jasper Reports and WebRecording (15:05)
Security Testing with Soap UI
List of Security Threats (17:41)
Security Testcases (17:25)
Security Testing-Practical example (15:58)
Database Testing with SoapUI
DataBase concepts (14:52)
Creating Database from scratch (17:16)
SoapUI Jdbc connection (13:00)
SQL Queries Testing with SoapUI feautures (8:57)
SQL Builder- SoapUI Pro (12:36)
Load Testing on REST API
Performance Testing tool used for Testing REST API (10:30)
Putting Load on REST Calls (8:29)
Interview Questions Module
Interview Questions - Part 1 (10:39)
Interview Questions -Part 2 (9:59)
Interview Questions - Part 3 (5:50)
Interview Questions - Part 4 (10:53)
Interview Questions download
Introduction to SQL Queries
Introduction to SQL and MySQL
Downloading MySQL server with workbench (7:29)
Overview of SQL Editor with basic features
creating Database and pointing to it
Creating Tables in database
Inserting records into Table
Retrieving records from the Table
Select Distinct keyword in queris
SQL WHERE command usage
Logical operators on Queries AND OR - 1
Regular expressions Introduction
Logical operators 'In' 'Between'- 2
Wild cards usage in Qeuries -1
SQL glossary on discussed topics
Old Videos with Groovy Basics- Worth watch !!
Using Script Assertions window methods (7:09)
MessageExchange, Context variables usage (9:18)
Declaring Namespaces for effective xpath identification (12:18)
End to end examples on REST API -1 (6:19)
End to end examples on REST API -2 (10:32)
Code xml download
Basic Programmes (21:57)
Groovy operators,DataTypes (17:24)
Loops,Arrays,List (18:01)
Teach online with
Update & Delete Place API's Demo for testing in SoapUI
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