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Selenium Python Automation Testing from Scratch + Frameworks
Section 1: Why Python Testing and its Importance?
Why Choose Selenium Python for Test Automation needs? (9:59)
Glance on Selenium Features
Section 2: Complete Installation Guide for Python and Selenium Learning
Video Player Setting tips for Best Experience in viewing course (3:22)
How to Install Python in your Machine? (6:40)
Important note for MAC Users (4:05)
What is PIP Client? -How to download Python Packages (7:55)
Python, Selenium Installation Guide Download
Install PyCharm Editor and set Project Interpreter (8:49)
Section 3: Getting Started with Python Basics
Where to download code files?
Python hello world Program with Basics Rec 10-21-19 1 (8:33)
Datatypes in python and how to get the Type at run time Rec 10-21-19 3 (6:37)
Section 4: Understanding Python Datatypes and Variables
List Datatype and its operations to manipulate Rec 10-21-19 5 (16:07)
Tuple and Dictionary Data types in Python with examples Rec 10-21-19 6 (10:37)
How to Create Dictionaries at run time and add data into it (3:49)
Section 5: Program Flow Control in Python
If else condition in python with working examples (9:54)
How loops work in Python and importance of code idendation (11:18)
Programming examples using for loop - 1 (5:09)
Programming examples using While loop - 2 (13:12)
What are functions? How to use them in Python (Rec 10-19-19 1) (13:08)
Section 6: Understand Object Oriented Principles of Python
OOPS Principles : Classes and objects in Python (9:10)
What is Constructor and its role in Object oriented programming Rec-10-19-5 (17:03)
Inheritance concepts with examples in Python Rec 10-19-19 6 (15:01)
Strings and its functions in python (12:20)
Code files download
Section 7: Read & Write to Files in Python
How to read text file content using Python (8:26)
Importance of readLine and readLines Methods in python (9:35)
Writing Data into File using Python (10:28)
Section 8: Exception Handling Mechanism in Python
How to raise exception in Python? (6:19)
Try Catch Mechanism using Python (10:43)
Usage of Finally Keyword with exceptions (5:56)
Section 9: Selenium Python package Setup with different browsers execution
Where to download code files?
Invoking Chrome Browser and understand the importance of Service class (18:00)
Running Tests in Chrome, Firefox, Edge on basic WebDriver Methods (9:34)
code download
Section 10: Different Types of Locators in WebDriver API with examples
Inspecting HTML to identify attributes of element (10:04)
Introduction to CSS Selector and name locators with example (10:40)
Finding Elements with Xpath and Css Using Chropath Plugin (8:21)
Extracting Text from webPage with Validation Assertions (14:02)
Section 11: Python API->Techniques to automate Web elements
Web applications to Practise Selenium Automation (3:04)
Identifying Static dropdowns using Select class of selenium (7:14)
Handling AutoSuggestive Dynamic dropdowns using Selenium Webdriver (14:45)
Get Attribute of values to validate dynamic texts on the browser (7:44)
Handling CheckBox dynamically using Selenium Python programming (9:40)
Understand radiobutton Automation methods with examples (6:55)
Handling Java / JavaScript Alert popups using Selenium (9:00)
Code (Section 9,10,11) download
Section 12: Synchronization (Explicit & Implicit Waits) in Selenium webdriver
What are waits? And Practise WebPage Demo for Automation (9:05)
Developing End to End Testcase to Automate ecommerce GreenKart Application (11:00)
What is Impilicit Wait in Selenium? And its advantages (5:46)
What is Explicit Wait in Selenium? And Example to demonstrate (11:49)
Where to download code files?
Section 13: Deep Dive into Functional Automation using Python
Functional Automation example on GreenKart application - 1 (10:11)
Assignment - 2 Exercises (1:40)
Functional Automation example on GreenKart application - 2 (9:51)
Code download for Section 12 & 13
Section 14: Handling Advanced User Interactions and Child windows, Frames
Advanced Interactions with Browser elements using Actions class Rec 11-07-19 2 (11:13)
Techniques to handle Child Windows/Tabs with Selenium (11:14)
What are Frames and techniques to handle with Selenium (10:42)
Section 15: Selenium Python Miscellaneous
What is JavaScript executor? Where do we need it in selenium (12:08)
Examples on JS Executor methods for various Web operations (18:11)
What are Chrome Options and importance of them in Selenium (10:18)
Section 16: End to End Practise Project with Complete methods in Selenium
Selecting a Product from list of products with Product Name parameter (7:39)
Complete Checkout Logic with Product selection example (8:03)
Handling Auto suggestive dropdown to select Location and confirm order (13:04)
CODE DOWNLOAD ( Section 9 - Section 16)
Section 17: Framework Design Plan - MUST WATCH
Important Things to know before starting Framework (4:59)
Section 18: Part 1 Pytest - Unit Testing Framework of Python
Important Note on Code repo's
What is Pytest and its advantages (10:21)
Running Pytests from Terminal with different command flags (10:11)
Stay Connected to Testing Updates
How to run selected Pytests from set of Tests (8:29)
Grouping tests with pytest marks to run selected group (10:16)
What are fixtures and their importance in pytest framework (8:41)
Importance of Conftest file & Scope of fixtures for building Generic fixtures (12:57)
Introduction to Data driven Fixtures to load data into tests (10:20)
Parameterizing test with multiple data sets using Fixtures (13:30)
Generating HTML reports for Pytest Testcases (5:50)
Section 19: Part 2 - Logging and generating HTML Reports in Python Framework
Introduction to Logging in Python Tests (Rec 10-26-19) (6:23)
Importance of Filehandler in Logging tests (9:26)
Building reusable Utility for Logging to inject into framework (14:33)
Integrating Pytest Logs into html Reporting - Sample exercises (13:25)
Code download for Section 18 & 19
Section 20: Part 3 - Develop End to End Selenium Python Framework from scratch
Important Note on Code repo's
Must watch lecture on how Selenium updated its version (4:23)
Standards of writing Selenium tests in Framework (8:49)
How to generalize Browser invocation code (6:35)
Creating Setup Fixtures and passing class objects to Test (13:15)
Passing command line options to select browser at run time (13:40)
What is Page object Design pattern and its importance? (16:19)
Implementing Page Objects mechanism into Framework tests -1 (9:45)
Smart way of optimizing Page objects by removing object creation in tests (8:53)
Creating Custom Utilities in Selenium Python Framework (7:45)
TestCase #2 in implementing Framework Standards (9:24)
Debug and develop custom utilities for Testcase #2 (6:26)
Implement Data driven mechanism by removing hard coding data from tests (10:36)
Parameterizing the Tests with multiple Data sets using Dictionary (10:00)
Implementing Logging feature into Framework tests (8:40)
Generating HTML Reports with Logging Integration (12:17)
Section 21: Part 4 - Integrating Framework to Jenkins and setup various Job Parameters
Important Note
Introduction to Jenkins (4:12)
Integrating Selenium Python framework into Jenkins CI Tool (9:44)
Setting up Jenkins Parameterized job variables for browser selection (7:56)
Creating jenkin Junit results with Pytest commands (7:43)
Section 22: Part 5 - Read/Write data from Excel to Selenium Python Framework
Introduction to Excel Data driven testing using Pyxl (8:41)
Operations to read and write the data from Excel into Python tests (7:49)
Build a Utility to retrieve values from Sheet based on conditions rec111017 (9:55)
Loading the Excel Data from file to Dictionary for further processing (8:05)
Integrate Excel utility into Selenium Python Framework (10:10)
Section 23: Download Framework Code (Section 20,21,22)
Framework Code Download
Practice Exercise with mix of Web Functionality and Excel manipulation
How upload & Download works in Selenium Python with an example (18:53)
Generating smart xpaths to query table data dynamically wth selenium (10:19)
Build excel utils to update the excel files and upload it back to web portal (18:55)
code download
Section 24: Thankyou and Important Tips for your new job
Wrapping up - Thankyou Note (2:31)
How to Showcase your Python Testing experience?
Section 25: Understanding Version Control System GIT (Bonus Section)
Introduction to GIT (8:41)
Importance of Github and its uses (9:05)
Creating Git config and repositories (8:39)
Understanding Staging and commit in git (11:35)
Add remote repository and push the committed code (8:53)
End to end working example on Git commands -1 (15:48)
End to end working example on Git commands -2 (6:15)
Importance of Branching in GIT (24:55)
How to resolve Merge conflicts with GIT (14:17)
Section 26: Bonus Section
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How upload & Download works in Selenium Python with an example
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