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Test Automation Robot Framework with Python - Selenium Tests
Introduction to Robot Framework and its advantages
What is Robot Framework and its advantages (12:05)
Course objectives- What you will learn from this tutorial (3:51)
Important Note
Install and Configure Robot Framework with Python for Local setup
Install Python and its related configurations in Global variables (8:19)
Python Path setting instructions for MAC users ONLY (4:12)
Install Robot Framework & Selenium Libraries to setup the Project (9:50)
Alternate way of Installing Robot Framework Plugin
Getting started with .robot file syntaxes and its templates (10:16)
Getting Started with Robot Framework Tests with Keywords & Variables
Invoking Browsers for Web Automation with Selenium using Robot Keyword (15:59)
Learning Synchronization Robot keywords & error messages validations (11:38)
How to declare and use the variables in the Robot files for global use (7:42)
Importance of Resource files/keyword in centralizing the reusable code (10:48)
How to send Arguments to keywords from the Test and from the variables (13:51)
Selenium Functional Automation using Robot Framework Keywords
How to retrieve the list of webelements using Robot Framework - example (15:06)
Using Collections Library of Robot Framework to build functional logic (7:15)
Generating dynamic locators to solve the problem with Robot keywords (16:31)
Handling Dropdowns of web pages with Robot Selenium keywords (10:26)
Handling Alerts checkboxes of Login form with Selenium Libraries (7:26)
Handling Child windows and tabs with Robot Selenium framework (13:21)
Parsing Get Text Selenium Strings using Robot String libraries (11:52)
Data Driven Testing & Parameterization the Selenium Tests using Robot Framework
How to apply parameterize the test with multiple data sets in Robot framework (9:57)
How Reporting works and generates in Robot Framework for Test results (4:15)
How and where Screenshots generated in Robot framework on test failures (4:21)
How to load the data from CSV files into Robot tests -external plugins (12:25)
Monitoring the Reports and Logs for parameterized tests in the Framwork (5:38)
Create custom Selenium keywords from Python Libraries in the Robot Framework
What are Custom User defined keywords? and why should we need them (11:12)
How to access Selenium Library instance to Python custom library files (12:38)
Step by step procedure to create custom Python library keywords with example (9:00)
Implementing Page object Design Pattern to organize the Robot Test files
How to implement Page objects for Robot framework tests (11:50)
Writing page objects for Robot Selenium tests and moving objects to PO folders (14:47)
Build end to end Scenario of Ecommerce app with Robot Selenium framework (21:31)
Parallel Test execution & reporting in the Robot Framework with Pabot plugin
How to run all the tests from the folder from Robot command Line (7:25)
How to run all the Robot files tests parallel in framework - pabot plugin (9:19)
Implement Tagging , filters and CI/CD Jenkins Integration for Automation tests
How to implement tagging to Robot tests and execute test by its name (7:34)
Execute Robot test cases with Multiple tag controls AND OR for better control (12:41)
How to set variable values from Run time command arguments to Robot framework (9:13)
Important Note
Download and Configure Jenkins (4:12)
Integrate Robot Framework to Jenkin Job with Choice parameter configuration (9:32)
Guideline to perform API Testing with Robot Framework
What are Dictionaries in Python? How robot framework creates Dict (10:19)
Performing API Testing POST call with Robot Framework keywords (14:04)
Performing GET call API requests with Robot Keywords - example (8:36)
Integrating Add and Retrieve Book details API tests with Global Variables scope (13:31)
Wrapping up API tests with Delete API and integrate API tests with Jenkins (8:58)
Complete Course Code download - Framework repo
Code Download
Python Basics brush up for understanding core concepts
Python hello world Program with Basics (8:33)
Datatypes in python and how to get the Type at run time (6:37)
List Datatype and its operations to manipulate (16:07)
Tuple and Dictionary Data types in Python with examples (10:37)
How to Create Dictionaries at run time and add data into it (3:49)
If else condition in python with working examples (9:54)
How loops work in Python and importance of code idendation (11:18)
Programming examples using for loop - 1 (5:09)
Programming examples using While loop - 2 (13:12)
What are functions? How to use them in Python (13:08)
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Monitoring the Reports and Logs for parameterized tests in the Framwork
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