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Core Java for Automation Testers + Interview Programs
First Programming Steps in Java
Course FAQ's - ***Must Watch*** (7:29)
Introduction to java with installation (10:25)
working with Java editor tools (8:47)
writing first executable program in java (5:28)
Understanding Classes ,objects and their Usage in Java
Usage of Methods in Java (7:54)
Importance of classes and objects in java (7:30)
Handling Strings and its functions in Java
Two ways of defining string object - Imp in Interview point of view (8:35)
String class and their methods (12:26)
Practise Exercise : reverse String logic-Palindrome (9:22)
String code download
Why Strings are Immutable in Java_Interview Ques (23:45)
Java loops ,Conditions -( Building block for java programs)
if else condition usage in java (7:26)
How for loops works-with example demonstration (7:37)
When should I use While loop? (6:57)
How do while loop works? (4:53)
loops,Conditions code download
Practice exercises on Java loops and conditions for Interview purpose
Explanation on Nested for loops (8:36)
Practise Exercise on loops -1 { printing pyramid triangle) (12:35)
Practise Exercise - 2- Yahoo Ques : ( Inverted sequence pyramid logic program) (9:44)
Nested loops code download
How Interfaces work and its usage in Java?
What is interface? (11:22)
How java classes can take advantage of interfaces (10:10)
Interface code download
What are Abstract classes and how different they are from Interfaces (18:35)
Importance of Inheritance with Practical examples
Usage of inheritance in java (10:58)
Practical examples on types of inheritances (7:04)
Inheritance code download
Polymorphism in java with overriding and overloading examples
Explaining function overloading in java with example (6:26)
How different function overriding from overloading?-Explain (3:53)
Demonstration code download
Learn everything about ARRAYS -Single and MultiDimensional
What are Arrays and their usage in Java programmes (8:56)
Ways of initializing arrays and assigning objects (12:37)
Arrays code download
Logic Program on Multi Dimensional arrays (7:47)
Famous Interview solved Programmes on Arrays **Must Watch**
Practise exercise - Print smallest number in 3*3 matrix (12:46)
Practise Exercise - Cisco Interview question on Arrays (18:30)
programming code download
Practise Exercise:Swapping variables with/without temp variable (10:24)
Practise Exercise : Sorting an array logic approach (10:05)
Sorting and swapping code download
Understanding Date classes in Java
Date class concepts (10:47)
Calendar and date program examples (6:23)
Date code download
Constructors and their usage in Java
What is Constructor? How to initialize it (7:12)
DIfferent type of constructors and their usage (9:58)
Constructor demo code
Importance of Super and this keyword in Java
What is super keyword ? (6:47)
super keyword practical usage (5:35)
Importance of this keyword (6:09)
code download
Static and Non Static Importance in Java (23:35)
Exceptions in Java with solved examples
Different kind of exceptions (9:40)
Try catch Mechanism to handle exceptions (7:08)
Importance of finally block in java (6:10)
Exception code download
Java collections - Understand ArrayLists and Set with their usage
What are Java collections? (6:12)
Implementation of Array Lists (11:28)
Examples of ArrayList (5:24)
Array List Code download
Implementation of Set interface (8:26)
Examples of HashSet using Iterator (8:38)
When HashMap and HashTable are used in Java programms?
Implementation of Map interface (16:56)
Code explaining hashset and hashmap
Difference between HashMap and HashTable (Interview ) (5:32)
Practise Exercise : Priniting unique number- Amazon interview ques (17:40)
programming code download
Importance of Final Keyword in Java
Final keyword usage in Java (8:28)
Packages and their usage in OOPS (6:32)
Packages types and how they are helpful in reusing the code (8:38)
Encapsulation with practical examples
Importance of Access Modifiers (7:38)
Difference between public and private modifiers-With Example demonstration (10:54)
Java Streams- Map, Filter, Match,Collect- (Build Optimized Code)
What are Java Streams and Lambda Expressions? (10:27)
Smart Usage of Stream filters to filter out the results (18:37)
How to use forEach on Streams to print the collections list (6:38)
Usage of Map and its importance in Streams API with example (16:19)
Demonstration on Match, Sorted, Merging Streams functionality (10:32)
Collecting Stream parsed data back into Collections array (16:47)
Code Download
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Static and Non Static Importance in Java
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