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Learn Protractor(Angular Automation) from scratch +Framework
Understand the importance of Protractor (13:20)
UPDATE - Typescript Addition to this course***Must watch Lecture*** (7:14)
Why Node.js? Install Node (12:17)
Install Protractor with Webdriver plugin (10:34)
commands list
Getting started with Protractor
Install Javascript Eclipse Tool for Protractor tests (13:11)
Introduction to Jasmine and its terminologies (17:42)
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Importance of Configuration file in protractor framework (10:04)
File reference
Creating Protractor TestRunner file to run the scripts (15:39)
Install Angular JS plugin and convert to intern project (5:33)
Setting up Protractor Tests in Visual studio and Webstorm
Install Visual studio and run protractor Test (11:12)
Install Webstorm and run protractor Test (9:03)
Deeper Understanding of Protractor Promises and its working mechanism
Javascript Asynchronus and its problem with Protractor (9:07)
Importance of Promises and how its solves Asynchronous issue (15:28)
Links to read more on promises
Understand how protractor inbuilt takes care of promise (11:22)
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JavaScript Basics
Basics of Javascript (8:08)
JS conditional statements -If else (7:39)
Javascript loops - for with example (9:59)
Javascript while and do while -example (11:18)
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Understand JS functions and its usage (5:57)
Importance of Javascript arrays with example (19:23)
Javascript String functions with examples (12:42)
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Important Note
Getting Started with Protractor Tests
Understand Global variables of Protractor (12:25)
Usage of Protractor locators - 1 (18:53)
Usage of Protractor locators - 2 (21:21)
Jasmine assertions to validate Protractor tests (9:47)
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Running Protractor tests on Firefox and Internet Explorer (14:28)
Browser configuration file
Running Protractor tests on Non Angualr Sites (6:12)
Deep dive into Protractor Core API
Importance of chain locators with example (17:19)
Chain locators to identify Child elements-Example (7:34)
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Getting the list of Elements with All method in Protractor (19:19)
Practise exercises on All and chain locators (7:25)
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Handling list of dropdown options with example (15:55)
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Handling Mouseactions, Windows, Alerts with Protractor
Actions and its importance in the Angular UI (13:12)
Examples of handling Autocomplete dropdowns with Actions (16:15)
Handling child windows with Protractor (8:20)
Examples on validating child windows with Switch Mechanism (7:10)
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Handling Java Alerts with Protractor (14:56)
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Frames and Synchronization practical usage
What are Frames? Methods to handle in protrator (13:16)
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Handling synchronization with Protractor (21:22)
Real time project in building Protractor tests
Demo project walkthrough (6:55)
Submission of Forms with various Protractor locators (19:03)
Validating Angular error messages - example (11:46)
Handling dynamic sections with Protractor (18:50)
Practise Exercises on selecting items to cart- (14:36)
String functions to extract count of cart items (11:52)
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***Important Information before watching Next Lectures*****
***Important Information before watching Next Lectures*****
TypeScript Basics
Please Note
What is Typescript? How different it is from JS? (9:08)
Importance of Let and Const keywords in Typescript (17:06)
Types Usage in Typescript (12:34)
Understanding Classes,Methods and objects in Typescript (14:23)
Importance of Constructor in Typescript (10:22)
Exports,Imports and Functions usage in Typescript (11:47)
Interfaces and objects Importance in defining contracts (17:04)
Usage of Pipes for Anonymous Functions (6:57)
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PART 1-Protractor with Typescript Cucumber framework
Typescript Cucumber Framework learning Plan (13:33)
Understand Package.json file and get the dependencies of the framework (21:53)
Build the Basic project structure in Visual studioCode (10:20)
Changes need for Protractor configuration to be Typescript compatible (11:51)
Importance of tsconfig file and compilation from ts to Js (11:35)
Running the first test using framework configurations (7:05)
PART 2-Protractor with Typescript Cucumber framework
Importance of async/await synchronization in Typescript and JS ES7 (13:40)
Importance of Pageobject Mechanism in framework (13:26)
Understand classes and construction definition for defining objects (12:46)
Build Page object classes and drive the objects externally into Tests (9:00)
Understand importance of Scripts tag in package.json file (17:05)
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PART 3-Protractor with Typescript Cucumber framework
Cucumber Introduction (12:31)
Install cucumber protractor dependencies (7:36)
Understanding Protractor cucumber configuration file (11:02)
Creating feature file and step defination file Skeleton (11:50)
Implement Step definition file with actual automation steps (10:39)
Implement time outs and build common step definitions for multiple scenarios (8:28)
Passing Test Data from feature file to step definitions (14:29)
Implement Parameterization in Cucumber tests to drive tests with multiple sets (9:54)
Using Chai Assertions in cucumber Framework (10:40)
PART 4-Protractor with Typescript Cucumber framework
Implement Tagging mechanism to protractor cucumber tests (5:20)
Usage of cucumber hooks to run setup and tear down methods (11:13)
Install reporting dependencies to cucumber framework (11:15)
Implement reporting in Cucumber with onComplete option in config file (9:45)
Capturing Screenshots on Test failures with After hook implementation (12:43)
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Framework Part 1- Understand the Javascript objects and their accessibility
****Please Note*******
Framework Learning Plan for Javascript (7:33)
What are javascript objects and importance of it (12:27)
Accessing the java objects from another JS file (13:18)
Framework Part 2- Page Object Mechanism to drive the objects
Page object Mechanism for Protractor tests (12:03)
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Driving the Page objects with setup&TearDown methods (11:14)
Framework Part 3- Package.json and Node basics to trigger tests from Framework
OnPrepare functionality in Configuration file for preloading the data (6:48)
Understanding the importance of Package.json file (9:44)
Package.json configuration properties -1 (9:59)
Defining Scripts configuration in Package.json to eliminate eclipse testRunner (13:25)
npm commands to trigger Test Suites (9:23)
Framework Part 4- Data driven testing with Jasmine Dataprovider
Introduction to Datadrive testing with Jasmine (11:04)
jasmine Dataprovider format in defining the data (10:36)
Eliminating data hardcoding in the scripts with Jasmine Dataprovider (14:01)
Framework Part 5: Generating Client reports&Tagging for Protractor tests
Generating excellent client reports for Protractor tests (11:07)
Tags configuration to control test scripts execution (20:07)
Framework Part 6: Integrating Protractor tests with Jenkins CI tool
Introduction to Jenkins (13:06)
Configuring Jenkins job with protractor tests (10:12)
Scheduling Protractor Jenkin job for continuous Integration (12:40)
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Understanding Version Control System GIT (Bonus Section)
Introduction to GIT (8:41)
Importance of Github and its uses (9:05)
Creating Git config and repositories (8:39)
How to push code to remote repository (1:40)
Understanding Staging and commit in git (11:35)
Add remote repository and push the committed code (8:53)
End to end working example on Git commands -1 (15:48)
End to end working example on Git commands -2 (6:15)
Importance of Branching in GIT (24:55)
How to resolve Merge conflicts with GIT (14:17)
Upcoming lectures
Protractor with Typescript and Cucumber framework
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