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Appium (Selenium)-Mobile Automation Testing from Scratch
Introduction to Appium and Course Plan
Course Agenda (7:26)
Appium Features (5:54)
Appium Internal Architecture (9:23)
Appium Installation on WINDOWS for Android Automation
Download Java, Android Studio & Node softwares for Appium Setup (10:39)
Set Environment variable Paths of all Softwares in WINDOWS (10:17)
Set Environment variable Paths of all Softwares in MAC (15:12)
Configure Android Virtual Device/Emulator and Install Appium Server (11:50)
Setting up Appium Maven project with Java client dependencies (14:40)
Caution on Compatible testnG Java version along with Plugin Install (2:49)
Important Note
Brush up Java Concepts for Appium Automation
Course Strategy to learn Appium basics for Selenium Automation (2:42)
Introduction to Java variables and Data types with examples (9:48)
What are Arrays in Java? How to initialize and retrieve the values of array (6:48)
Introduction to For loop to iterate over array of Strings and Integers (10:35)
Enhanced for loop declaration & using Conditional statements inside the loops (11:20)
Code download
What is Arraylist and differences between Arraylist and Arrays (9:21)
Strings in Java - How to declare Strings & Important String methods (15:10)
How to create methods and access methods using Java class objects (10:57)
what is Inheritance in Java with example (9:40)
Code download
Getting Started with Mobile testing using Appium Code
Code & Apps download for Practice
What is UIAutomator and creating UiAutomator object to define Capabilities (19:40)
How to start & Stop Appium Server Programmatically using AppiumServiceBuilder (9:54)
Introduction to Appium Inspector to identify the elements on the Apps (13:58)
Creating Base Class with Util methods and extend it to Child Appium Tests (12:52)
Appium Server not starting programmatically - FIX WORKAROUND (3:14)
Android Home Not Set error - MAC - Troubleshoot - FIX WORK AROUND (2:35)
In Depth understanding of Android Native Apps automation with Appium
Introduction to Id, Xpath & Accessibility ID locators in App with an example (13:39)
How to handle Mobile popups & return list of matching elements on Android app (9:52)
How to extract the text & Enter the info on Mobile Apps with Appium (4:32)
Advanced Gestures Automation with Key Events Handling using Appium
Introduction to Appium Mobile Gestures and how it works (19:15)
How to long press on Android Apps using Appium - LongPressGesture (7:24)
How to Perform Scroll Gesture using Appium on Android Apps (17:11)
How to automate Swipe functionality using Appium on Android (18:03)
Appium Miscellaneous Topics for Android Automation
How to Perform Drag & Drop on elements in app using Appium (11:06)
Assignment - End to end exercise on Appium (1:34)
Automate Miscellaneous Activities like orientation & KeyEvents using Appium (13:01)
How to open App using app package and activity name using appium (14:26)
Real time Ecommerce App- End to end Practise Exercises
Introduction to App features and test cases to automate (9:56)
Test Case in Filling the form details for shopping (14:13)
Verifying toast messages for error validations (8:30)
Testcase-Scrolling in product list example with Appium Android scroll (13:18)
Testcase-Dynamically selecting Product by scanning list based on text (12:42)
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TestCase- Validating Total amount generated functionality (20:18)
Code optimization with user defined functions (5:43)
Hybrid App Automation with Appium to switch from Apps to Web browser
Testcase - Validating Mobile Gestures of App ( Tap, Long Press) (7:45)
How to handle objects when rendered in Web view? (14:51)
TestCase -Automate Hybrid App with context Switch using Chrome Driver (5:46)
Mobile Chrome Browsers Automation with Appium - Real time examples
Desired capabilities to run Appium tests on Mobile browser (10:29)
How to Scroll and put assertions on Browser Tests with Appium (12:40)
Getting started with IOS Automation using Appium on MAC
Download IOS Apps and Code discussed in the Section
Install Xcode and Iphone 12 Simulator (15:25)
Define IOS XCUITest Capabilities and Invoke the App through Code (11:42)
Inspect IOS Objects with Appium Inspector (9:54)
Automate IOS Advance Gestures functionalities with Appium
Introduction to IOSClassChain locator and its usage in IOS Script (9:50)
Introduction to IOSPredicateString and its usage to automate IOS App (10:13)
End to End IOS Automation example using IOS Unique locators (3:57)
IOS Gestures Swipe,Scroll, Long Press Automation with Appium
How to long press on IOS Apps using Appium (11:03)
How to perform Scrolling on IOS App using Appium (10:08)
How to automate IOS Picker components using Appium (5:48)
How to automate Sliding in IOS App using Appium (13:18)
Automate InBuilt IOS Apps with Appium
Work on the existing IOS Apps in Simulator using BundleID- Example (7:39)
Automate inBuilt Photos App in IOS devices using Appium (7:50)
Automate Swiping functionality on IOS devices using Appium (11:06)
IOS Real device Automation Testing guidelines with example
How to run tests on IOS Android real device plugged to computer (8:54)
Install software's for real device Automation (9:05)
UDID, XcodeOrgId Generation for real device testing (8:42)
Bundle Id generation and running the Tests (23:35)
Framework Part 1- Code Design patterns in writing Android & IOS Automation Tests
Important Note
Understand the importance of framework design - Getting started with Project (11:08)
Introduction to Page object Factory and design Implementation idea (16:22)
Create Action methods in the Pageobject file to drive into tests (7:32)
Inherit Android Actions class to page object classes for reusable methods (13:06)
Framework Part 2- Code Design patterns in writing Android & IOS Automation Tests
Part 1 - Implement Page object file for Product Catalogue page with actions (12:52)
Part 2 - Implement Page object file for Product Catalogue page with actions (11:27)
Part 3 - Implement Page object file for Cart page with actions (6:12)
Part 4- Convert IOS test into Page object Pattern (11:37)
Part 5- Convert IOS test into Page object Pattern (10:57)
Framework Part 3- Implementing Test Strategy & Building Reusable Util methods
Implement Appium Utils class which will be the super class of Android & IOS (15:10)
Implement Test Strategy on deciding how to run tests in a file (17:53)
Implement Test Setup & Test tear down methods for each Test method (10:57)
How to run all tests together using Single TestNG.xml file (6:04)
Framework Part 4- Data Driven testing with Parameterization for Appium Tests
Implement Data driven testing to testng tests using Data provider (8:04)
Parameterize the test data with multiple data sets using TestNG dataprovider (6:55)
How to drive the data from Json files and load into Hashmap for parameterization (8:58)
Data utility which reads json and parse it for TestNG Dataprovider input (14:41)
Fix the issues on how driver is passed to AppiumUtils and pageobject files (1:58)
Framework Part 5- Setting up Global Configuration variables & generating Reports
Optimize Android & IOS Base Tests with reusable methods from AppiumUtils (8:37)
Create Global properties file and read the global values from the file (11:11)
Introduction to Extent reports - Quick 20min tutorial (27:24)
Create extent object and set it in the TestNG Listeners for automatic reports (11:57)
Run End to end Appium tests with generated extent HTML reports (12:07)
Framework Part 6- Screenshots , TestNG Listeners, Maven Integration with Jenkins
How to take automatic screenshots o Test failures & attach to report (17:05)
How to run selected tests from pool of tests using TestNG groups (7:35)
How to trigger the Framework tests using Maven commands and options (12:18)
How to send run time parameters from maven commands to Tests (8:25)
Setting up Jenkins CI/CD tool in local machines (3:55)
Integrate the Appium Framework with Jenkins and Schedule,Parameterize the job (14:54)
Running Appium Framework on the Cloud Servers with Parallel Execution
What is Cloud Infrastructure Testing? Integrate Browserstack to Appium Framework (16:40)
Run existing Appium Tests in parallel on Browserstack cloud with yml changes (14:12)
Download the code from this lecture with notes
Glossary- Learn TestNG Basics
Important Note
TestNG Installation and Setup in Eclipse (9:00)
Run Basic TestNG Tests with Test Annotation (8:54)
Testng Xml file configuration and its importance (12:39)
Prioritizing the Testcases with TestNG (12:08)
Include and Exclude Mechanism to control testcases (12:14)
Executing the Testcases at Package level with regex (11:47)
TestNg Annotations part - 1 (12:32)
TestNG Annotations part - 2 (12:42)
Usage of Groups functionality in TestNG (15:02)
Annotations helper attributes with examples (11:24)
Parameterising from TestNG xml file (13:34)
DataProvider Annotation -Parameterizing Testcases - 1 (14:43)
DataProvider Annotation -Parameterizing Testcases-2 (8:32)
Listeners Interface in TestNG framework (15:34)
Running Tests in parallel and generating Reports (12:39)
TestNg code download
Understanding Version Control System GIT (Bonus Section)
Introduction to GIT (8:41)
Importance of Github and its uses (9:06)
Creating Git config and repositories (8:39)
How to push code to remote repository (1:40)
Understanding Staging and commit in git (11:35)
Add remote repository and push the committed code (8:54)
End to end working example on Git commands -1 (15:48)
End to end working example on Git commands -2 (6:15)
Importance of Branching in GIT (24:55)
How to resolve Merge conflicts with GIT (14:17)
Glossary- Learn Java OOPS basics for Appium/Selenium
Java first program basics (8:34)
Java program principles (8:32)
Classes, objects in Java (17:53)
Strings in Java (15:54)
Program code download
Runtime Polymorphisim (8:04)
Coding Basics-1 (10:37)
Coding Basics-2 (10:21)
Introduction to Arrays
Single dimensional and Multidimensional arrays usage
Examples of Arrays
Array interview questions
Programming example (18:30)
Reverse string -Interview question
Date class concepts
working with calendar objects in java (6:23)
Access modifiers basics (4:04)
How constructor plays a crucial role? (7:12)
Types of constructor and their usage (9:58)
BONUS- Student Special
Bonus Lecture
Teach online with
Caution on Compatible testnG Java version along with Plugin Install
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