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Selenium WebDriver with C# from Scratch - Nunit Framework
Introduction to the Course
Why to Choose C# for Selenium Automation/ Course FAQ's (8:26)
Download Visual Studio and Setup C# Environment Project (13:25)
C# Fundamentals for Automation Testing - Part 1
Running first C# Hello World program in Visual Studio (7:29)
What is NuGet and how it helps to install Packages for C# Project (10:52)
Data Types in C# - Var and Dynamic keywords special (11:26)
C# OOPS Principles - Classes and methods with examples (15:42)
How to run selective file in the project with setting Compiler options (4:51)
Inheritance in C# with an example (5:07)
Constructors and this keyword in C# and their usage in real time (9:41)
C# Fundamentals for Automation Testing - Part 2
What are Arrays and how they works in C# (12:03)
Working with Loops and Array Lists in C# with example (12:28)
Getting Started with Selenium C# Automation
What is Nunit Framework? Glimpse about its features (13:32)
How to invoke Chrome Browser with WebDriver Config Manager -example (14:44)
WebDriver basic methods - Quit, Close, Full Screen, and grabbing Url (9:09)
Running Tests on Firefox and Microsoft Edge Browsers with config changes (5:59)
Selenium Locators and Nunit Assertions for validating the Tests
Selenium Locators to identify UI Elements on the Page (13:31)
Returning WebElements and their attributes for functional valdiations (11:57)
Nunit Assertions to validate the Test Scenarios & Advanced location strategies (10:36)
Advanced CSS Location strategies for Parent Child traverse mechanism (7:27)
Handling Implicit & explicit waits in Selenium to avoid Sync issues
What are Implicit and explicit waits in Selenium Webdriver (5:11)
Explicit wait implementation Strategy to target one element at a time (14:50)
Handling Dropdowns, Checkboxes & Radio buttons for forms functional validation
How to handle Static dropdowns in Selenium webdriver - Example (8:51)
Handling radio buttons with multiple FindElements Strategy - example (10:14)
Functional validation on completing the User forms with all UI activities (7:50)
Part 1 - Identifying the list of products dynamically with Code Logic (17:28)
Part 2 - Identifying the list of products dynamically with Code Logic (4:51)
How to validate Sort webtable Columns with Selenium WebDriver (15:02)
Implementing the logic of Sorting List of array items with C# Selenium Code (9:20)
Handling Alerts, Advanced UI Interactions (Actions) & Frames with Selenium
Handling Java Alert Pop ups with Selenium WebDriver Alert Class (13:47)
How to automate AutoSuggestive dropdowns with Selenium WebDriver (12:08)
Working with Advanced Interactions with Actions Class in Selenium (13:46)
How to handle Frames with Selenium C# including JavaScript executor (12:19)
Example of working on Frames Screen and switching back to Parent window (5:20)
Example of working on Frames Screen and switching back to Parent window
How to handle Child Windows with Selenium WebDriver - Example (9:45)
Functional testing on Parsing the String and passing back from Child to parent (12:06)
Adding Items to Cart and validating on Check out page (9:49)
Wrapping End to end flow of Ecommerce Product Buying process (11:36)
Part 1 -Selenium C# Framework- Creating Base Utilities & Browser Factory methods
Introduction to Selenium C# Framework using Nunit testing Framework (5:28)
Creating Base class for all tests to configure startup and tear down methods (7:05)
Implementing Browser invoke function using factor design pattern (7:06)
How to create global Configuration file to pass on global variables to framework (9:24)
Part 2- Selenium C# Framework - Building Page object Pattern & Reusable methods
Introduction to Page object and Factor model to refactor locators in framework (23:24)
Converting hardcoded locators to Page objects for End to end test (7:55)
Defining reusable methods and smartly creating objects of next page (13:27)
Wrapping up page object work in the end to end example and further Assignment (11:34)
Part 3 - Selenium C# Framework - Data Driven & Parameterization & Json Parsers
How to approach for Data driven testing using Nunit testing features (6:22)
Importance of TestCase and TestCaseSource Attributes for driving data (8:05)
Driving the data from the Json and building Json Parsers (14:13)
Parameterizing the Test data with the data taken from Json File into tests (17:10)
Part 4 Framework- Making Tests Thread Safe with Parallel & Grouping execution
How to run Tests in parallel using Paralleizable Attribute in Nunit Framework (8:20)
How to implement Thread safe mechanism to Driver in parallel testing Scenarios (10:49)
How to run Selected group of tests in framework - Dotnet Filter CLI command (8:32)
How to send global variables to framework from Command line terminal (run time) (9:27)
Part 5- Selenium C# Framework - Generating HTML reports & Jenkins CI/CD Jobs
How to generate HTML Extent reports for automation results in the framework (15:06)
How to Attach Screenshot and logs to the Extent report when tests are failed (14:01)
Introduction to Jenkins and how to install them (4:11)
Integrate the Selenium C# Nunit Framework to Jenkins CI/CD Parameterized build (10:09)
Teach online with
Running Tests on Firefox and Microsoft Edge Browsers with config changes
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