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Playwright JS Automation Testing from Scratch with Framework
Introduction to Playwright Automation & Course expectations
Introduction to Playwright Features - Part 1 (10:13)
Introduction to Playwright Features - Part 2 (9:05)
How this Course is designed? Topics Breakup (3:38)
Install Node.js & Visual Studio for setting up Playwright Environment (8:27)
Getting started with Playwright Automation Core concepts
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Create npm Project and install Playwright dependencies for testing (7:21)
Importance of Playwright Test Annotation and async await understanding (9:04)
What is browser context and Page fixtures in Playwright ? - Example (14:14)
Importance of Playwright configuration file and its details to run the tests (14:01)
Running Playwright tests in multiple browsers - chrome, Firefox 7 Webkit (11:17)
Playwright Basic methods for Web Automation testing with examples
Locators supported by playwright and how to type into elements on page (12:00)
Extracting the text from browser and inserting valid expect assertions in test (12:33)
How to work with locators which extract multiple webelements in page (10:57)
Understanding how wait mechanism works if list of elements are returned (10:13)
Techniques to wait dynamically for new page in Service based applications (17:38)
Handling UI Components(Dropdowns ,Radio Buttons, Childwindows) with Playwright
Handling static Select dropdown options with Playwright (9:28)
Selecting radio buttons, Checkboxes and implement expect assertions (7:18)
Using async await with Assertions and understand validating the attributes (7:53)
Handling Child windows & Tabs with Playwright by switching browser context (24:51)
Learn Playwright Inspectors , Trace Viewers & Codegen tools with Demo examples
What is Playwright Inspector? And how to debug the playwright script (8:47)
Codegen tool to record & Playback with generated automation script (5:42)
Detailed view of Test Traces, HTML reports, logs & Screenshots for test results (12:35)
End to End Web Automation Practice Exercise with Playwright
Demo of the Application and Test Scenarios which needs to be automated (4:06)
Write the Script to dynamically find the product to buy from list of products (14:59)
Add assertions for the actions performed and implement necessary Sync steps (18:20)
Handling Auto suggestive dropdown options with playwright - Example (13:42)
Complete E2E flow of Placing the order and grab the OrderID with Playwright (11:59)
Dynamically find the order from OrderHistory page using Playwright Script logic (15:45)
Playwright Unique GetBy Locators for Smart Testing & Test Runner usage
Understand how GetByLabel & Playwright UI Runner works with an example (13:03)
Filtering elements with GetByRole,GetByText and perform chaining methods in step (19:10)
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Strategy on handling Calendars automation using Playwright (14:01)
End to end example of validating calendars with assertion in playwright (8:52)
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Handling Web dialogs, Frames & Event listeners with Playwright
How to validate if element is hidden, displayed mode with Expect assertions (8:35)
How to automate Java/JavaScript Alert popups with Playwright (7:35)
How to handle & Automate frames with Playwright - Example (11:40)
API Testing with Playwright and Build mix of Web & API tests
understanding the importance of API integration calls for Web tests (11:09)
Playwright request method to make API calls and grab response - Example (15:16)
Parsing API response & passing token to browser local storage with Playwright (9:31)
Place order API to create order and bypass the flow in UI with mix of web/API (9:16)
End to end validation with mix of API & Web concepts - Reduce test time (14:09)
Refactor API calls from utils folder and isolate from Web test logic (20:01)
Part 2 - Refactor API calls from utils folder and isolate from Web test logic (8:57)
Session storage & Intercepting Network request/responses with Playwright
How to save session storage using Playwright and inject into new Browser context (16:55)
How to debug the API steps in script using Visual code debugging (8:00)
Detailed view of Trace viewer to understand the API logging req/responses (4:25)
How to intercept Network response calls with Playwright route method (10:16)
Understand the playwright route method and its parameters in intercepting - demo (24:08)
How to intercept Network request calls with Playwright - Example demo (24:46)
How to abort the Network calls with Playwright - Examples (15:03)
Perform Visual Testing with Playwright Algorithms
Capture Screenshots with Playwright on page & partial Element level - Demo (5:51)
What is visual testing & How to perform it using Playwright (8:45)
Build Excel Utils and drive uploads downloads using Playwright
Important Note
Introduction to excelJS node module and setting up JS Project (8:36)
Traversing rows and columns of excel worksheet with excelJS library (16:52)
Build Util functions to read and update excel file strategically (13:16)
How to get and update the data from excel based on filter search criteria (17:01)
Strategy to handle download & uploading files using Playwright (15:07)
End to end example for excel edits and upload with assertions using Playwright (10:21)
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Page Object Patterns & Data driven Parameterization for Playwright Tests
What is page object pattern & Importance of its implementation (14:22)
Creating Page objects and action methods for end to end Script - Part 1 (10:50)
Creating Page objects and action methods for end to end Script - Part 2 (7:56)
Assignment Solution - Converting Page object Model Project (5:11)
How to drive the data from external json files to playwright tests (10:07)
Implementing Parameterization in running tests with different data sets (7:39)
How to pass test data as fixture by extend test annotation behaviour (9:22)
Project Configurations, & Config options for robust Framework design
various options in use property & setting up Project configurations (9:29)
View port Property on emulating browser to mobile devices with playwright (7:16)
Screenshots, Videos, Traces & SSL certification options setting in Config file (6:10)
Test Retries , Serial & Parallel execution & Tagging Tests in Playwright
how to fix flaky tests with test retry option in playwright config file (6:36)
Understand how playwright run tests in serial & parallel mode and update setting (7:32)
How to run tests parallely from the same file by extending test option behaviour (6:15)
Reason for test failures - Race condition - Fix them (6:07)
How to tag tests and control the execution from the command line parameters (5:04)
HTMl & Allure Reporting & CI/CD Jenkins Integration
How to generate HTML & Allure reporting for Playwright Framework tests (9:41)
How to create custom scripts to trigger the tests from package.json file (6:12)
Install & Configure Jenkins (4:11)
Integrate the Playwright framework with Jenkins and create parameterized Job (9:30)
Understand TypeScript Basics and Refactor Playwright Framework to TypeScript
Important Note
Understand the differences between TypeScript & JavaScript (8:38)
Deep dive into TypeScript type syntaxes and their usage - 1 (14:34)
Deep dive into TypeScript type syntaxes and their usage -2 (13:19)
Build Playwright Pageobject TypeScript files and enforce the typing standards (10:12)
Build Playwright Utility TypeScript files with enforcing the typing standards (6:48)
Refactor Playwright tests into TypeScript compatible and run the E2E Test (14:34)
Playwright Cucumber Framework Integration with its features
What is Cucumber Framework ? How it fits in Playwright needs (8:06)
Cucumber Configuration and setup feature files into Playwright Project (10:35)
Create Step Definition files and associate with Cucumber.js config file (9:22)
Implement Code login into StepDefinition file and run Cucumber feature files (8:05)
What is World Constructor? Its usage in Playwright Cucumber (14:15)
Understand Cucumber Hooks and its implementation process in framework (14:38)
Implement Cucumber Tags for features and also demo on Tagged Hooks to filter (13:16)
Parameterization with Scenario outline & run tests Parallel in Playwright (5:57)
Generate HTML reports for Cucumber Playwright & Rerun failed Scenarios (12:55)
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Learn JavaScript Fundamentals from Scratch for Automation
Important Note
Complete 3 hours JavaScript Tutorial for Automation Testing (174:59)
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Create npm Project and install Playwright dependencies for testing
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