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Cucumber with Java-Build Automation Framework in lesser code
Introduction (12:12)
Course Syllabus -What you are going to Learn?
What is Gherkin syntax and how it works (13:08)
Understand the Cucumber Scenarios Usage (12:54)
Notes for reference
Cucumber Installation
Important Player Tips for Best learning Experience: (3:22)
Install Java and configure in system variables (11:45)
cucumber project creation template (11:27)
Understanding cucumber dependencies (7:34)
Getting started with Cucumber Framework
Understand the Terminologies of Automation (15:21)
Mapping step definition to feature file (12:51)
Tidygherkin plugin to generate step definations. (8:37)
Running the Tests with Junit testRunner. (15:54)
Running the Tests with TestNG Test Runner (9:34)
Code reusability with regular Expressions
importance of regular expressions in feature files (13:05)
How to reuse functions with different data (14:05)
Data driven testing with Cucumber
Importance of dataTable for Datadriving tests (14:10)
Parameterizing test runs with Example keyword (14:02)
Cucumber-Core framework Features
Tagging feature to control testcases (12:04)
Importance of Background keyword in Cucumber scenarios (12:24)
Setup and Teardown for cucumber tests
Usage of Hooks in setting up tear down and setup Scripts (15:08)
Using Background and Hook together for Robust Tests building (5:11)
Sample Selenium Cucumber Project
Sample Appium Cucumber Project
Cucumber Framework Reports and Test Runner configurations
Generating reports of cucumber scenarios (9:20)
Importance of Attributes in cucumber options (5:02)
How we have addressed common problems with cucumber features (13:29)
Project code download
Part 1 - Framework - Inject Selenium tests in Cucumber skeleton
Framework Agenda- What will you learn? MUST WATCH (6:11)
Important Note on Selenium scope of discussion in this section
Create and build Maven Project with selenium & cucumber dependencies (6:57)
Selenium Scenarios to automate with Cucumber Framework - Search product (10:33)
Create Cucumber StepDefinition , Features & Test Runner Skeleton files (8:48)
Build Selenium Code for end to end Scenario and inject into Stepdefinition files (11:05)
Assignment- Handling Child windows and add assertions to Selenium tests (15:40)
Part 2- Framework -Dependency Injection & Design Patterns for Cucumber Scenarios
Real time problems in breaking the step_definitions code into multiple files (13:00)
What is Cucumber dependeny injection? Cucumber PicoContainer use (12:18)
Importance of Single responsibility principle and loosely coupled classes (8:01)
Implement the Pageobject Pattern to drive the test objects from class files (15:23)
Page object implementation for offers page and driver object constructor (9:04)
Factory Design pattern implementation for creating Page objects with example (10:53)
Part 3 - Framework -Build Test Utilities,Tags,Hooks Parameterization for Tests
Build Generic test utilities and pass driver in constructor from Context file (15:57)
How to create global properties file to drive browser and url properties (14:54)
Implement Cucumber Hooks to add Post condition steps for closing browser (10:46)
Parameterize the Selenium tests with multiple data sets using Scenario outline (6:17)
How to run Selenium Cucumber Scenarios parallely with TestNG runner annotations (5:37)
Assignment- Add new Selenium Feature file to place the product order (8:14)
Implement Assertions in Step definitions for new Selenium feature file (16:54)
Implement Tagging and Run all features files together in parallel mode (11:30)
Part 4- Framework -Extent Reports,Failure Screenshots & Rerun failed tests
Different types of reports Cucumber framework can generate with example (6:38)
How to generate Extent Spark html reports with in Cucumber Selenium framework (10:53)
Generate Automatic Screenshot on test failures with code implementation in hooks (13:27)
How to rerun the failed Test scenarios with cucumber plugins (6:57)
Part 5- Framework -Command Line Options & Jenkins CI/CD Scheduling
Running the Cucumber Selenium feature files from Command line options (10:56)
How to pass global properties values through command line to cucumber framework (11:41)
Download & Install Jenkins with jenkins.war file (4:11)
Create Jenkin Job to run Selenium Cucumber Framework Scenarios (5:46)
How to create Parameterized Jenkin Job to pass the values dynamically into tests (11:00)
Part 6- Framework -Differences in Parallel test execution in Junit vs TestNG
How to run the End to end Selenium Cucumber framework with Junit Test Runner (6:59)
How to run tests parallely with Junit Test Runner and how different from TestNG (6:56)
Frameworks Code Download
Selenium Cucumber TesNG runner Framework download
Selenium Cucumber Junit runner Framework download
Core Java Basics brush up
Important Note
Java program principles (8:32)
Classes,objects in Java (17:53)
Strings in Java (15:54)
String Practise exercises (9:22)
What is Interface? (11:22)
How Java classes can take advantage of Interface? (10:10)
Usage of Inheritance in Java (10:59)
Practical examples on types of inheritances (7:04)
Introduction to Arrays (8:56)
Single dimensional and Multidimensional arrays usage (12:37)
Git- Version Control system
Introduction to GIT (8:41)
Importance of Github and its uses (9:05)
Creating Git config and repositories (8:39)
How to push code to remote repository (1:40)
Understanding Staging and commit in git (11:35)
Add remote repository and push the committed code (8:53)
End to end working example on Git commands -1 (15:48)
End to end working example on Git commands -2 (6:15)
Importance of Branching in GIT (11:53)
Merging the working branch into Master (13:02)
How to resolve Merge conflicts with GIT (14:17)
Bonus lecture
Teach online with
Sample Appium Cucumber Project
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