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REST API Testing(Automation) from scratch-Rest Assured java
Section 1: REST API Basics and Terminology
Course FAQ's/Syllabus (** Must Watch****) (11:08)
Introduction to REST API and where it is used in Project Architecture (10:01)
Real time Usage of API's in industry with Examples (8:57)
Understanding GET, POST, PUT DELETE Http Crud operations of API (11:35)
What are Path,Query Parameters & Headers in Rest API (11:18)
Notes Download
5 hours of Java Tutorials for Basics brushup
brush up on Java concepts
Section 3: Getting started with API Testing using Postman
Video Player Setting tips for Best Experience in viewing course (3:22)
Introduction to POSTMAN and Google Maps API's (8:15)
Important Note
Understand Add Place API and execute it through Postman (6:54)
Understand Get & Delete Place API using GET,Delete HTTp Methods using Postman (11:09)
Update Place API using PUT http method using Postman (6:19)
Google Maps POSTMAN Code Download
Section 4: Rest Assured setup for API Automation Testing
Setting up Rest Assured Maven Project with Java and Eclipse installation (15:08)
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Build Rest API Automation Test to Add Place and validate Status codes (16:35)
Section 5: Validating the Rest API Responses
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Assertions on Json Response Body and Headers through Automated code (10:14)
Parsing the Json Response body using JsonPath class (8:50)
Integrating the Multiple API's with common Json response values (7:26)
Building End to End Automation using GET, POST and PUT Http Methods (10:45)
Importance of Junit/TestNG Assertions in validating the responses (6:21)
Section 6: Diving in Depth-Automating REST API's
Understanding Structure of Complex Nested Json and its array notations (9:06)
Json used in this Section with Queries to solve
Retrieving the Json Array Size and its elements using JsonPath (7:32)
Iterating over every element of Json Array and accessing elements in it (10:04)
Retrieving Json Nodes on Condition logic using JsonPath (7:35)
Real Time example to solve Business logic through Json response (14:25)
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Section 7: Handling Dynamic Json Payloads with Parameterization
Why Dynamic Json payloads are important to understand (4:58)
Introduction to Library API (5:54)
Rest Assured Test for Library API Add Book http method (7:03)
Sending parameters to payload from Test (12:09)
Understanding TestNg Data provider for parameterization (11:00)
Example on Parameterization of API Tests with multiple data sets (7:18)
code download
How to handle with static json payloads (6:37)
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Section 8: Real world Example-Automating Jira API's
Setting up Jira Cloud Account for API Testing (8:21)
Basic Authentication Mechanism to authenticate for Jira API's (9:35)
Understanding Contract to create Bug in Jira using API in the Postman (10:00)
How to send files as attachment to the Post API call for associated Jira Bug (7:37)
Rest Assured Automation test to create Bug and send files as attachment for Jira (21:33)
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Section 9: Handling Google/Facebook oauth 2.0 Authorization Grant types
Introduction to OAuth 2.0 and different Grant types (12:24)
Understand Grant Type Authorization flow with real time example (20:02)
Flow procedure in achieving OAuth 2.0 Authentication mechanism (25:12)
Details on Practise OAuth 2.0 project to retrieve Courses list (10:22)
Postman Projects Download
Section 10: Rest Assured Automation for OAuth 2.0 Authorization code
Building up Rest Assured Automation Test for the OAuth Project (15:18)
Integration Web UI Automation to generate Authorization code (7:01)
Formatting URL String to retrieve code using java methods (15:02)
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How to deal with Client Credentials Grant type for OAuth flow (12:36)
Section 11: Deserialization using POJO classes with Rest Assured
What is Serialization and Deserialization in Rest Assured (15:11)
Libraries needed to support Serialization in Rest Assured (12:00)
Strategies in Parsing Complex nested Json using POJO classes (18:41)
Creating POJO classes for the real time Nested Array Json (17:21)
End to end Automation examples using POJO Deserialization (12:31)
Solving Complex Queries from Json with simple POJO methods -Part 1 (13:24)
Solving Complex Queries from Json with simple POJO methods-Part 2 (15:42)
How to showcase API Testing experience to recruiters?
Code download
Section 12: Serialization of Input Payload using Google Maps API Example
Build POJO classes for constructing Json Payload to API Rec 12-19-19 2 (13:31)
Complete End to end Test case with Serialization Implementation Rec 12-19-19 34 (10:27)
Where to download Code
Section 13: Understand Request and Response Spec Builders in Rest Assured
Significance of Spec Builders in Rest Assured Rec 12-19-19 5(builderDoc) (11:42)
Practical Example in implementing Spec Builders and optimize code Rec 12-19-19 (13:18)
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Section 14: End to End ecommerce API example with Automation Concepts
Understand Ecommerce API Contract and build manual API's in Postman (33:10)
Create Rest Assured automation for Login Call to generate Auth token (12:52)
Automate Post calls which has form parameters and attachments using Rest Assured (13:56)
Implement POJO Classes to build nested Json for Create Order for Product added (15:17)
Script implementation with Delete Product using Path parameters & HTTPS relaxed (12:44)
Code download
Section 17: Cucumber BDD API Framework Development from Scratch - 1
CheckPoint before starting Framework lectures (2:05)
Cucumber BDD overview and its related terminologies (27:48)
Creating Maven project with Cucumber Rest Assured Dependencies (18:40)
Building Cucumber Feature file for Rest Assured API Tests (9:34)
Building Test Runner and Step Definition files for Add Place API Feature Test (13:32)
Implementing Real code in Step Definition files with reusable components (14:06)
Running the Test in Cucumber Standards with necessary Configuration changes (15:00)
Building Utility Files and Implement Logging feature in Framework (11:49)
Implement Mechanism to drive Global property values from Properties file (12:17)
Data Driven Testing Mechanism for API Tests using Cucumber example feature (13:41)
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Parameterize API Test with multiple Data sets using Cucumber Framework features (9:33)
What are Enum classes? How Framework can utilize the Enum concepts (19:32)
Removing Hardcoded resource details with Enum class Methods (11:50)
Build End to End Testcase with Add and Delete Place in Framework Standards -1 (17:03)
Build End to End Testcase in Framework Standards -2 (9:10)
Creating Additional Scenarios in Framework to reuse existing Step Definitions -4 (16:40)
Importance of Cucumber Hooks in setting up Preconditions for API Tests -5 (12:31)
Optimizing the Framework Tests with all necessary validations -6 (5:57)
Running the Complete Framework using Maven commands 23/1 (8:14)
Generate Excellent Cucumber HTML reporting with additional Plugins -23/2 (16:57)
Framework Code download
Section 18: Learn GraphQL from Scratch and Testing with Rest Assured
What is GraphQL? How different it is from Rest API's ? (17:51)
Understanding GraphQL Schema and its Query language (14:48)
Learn how to write GraphQL Queries to Test GraphQL API's (22:15)
Testing GraphQL Queries with Postman and Explorer (12:58)
What are GraphQL Mutations? How to Test Mutations (16:42)
Test Multiple GraphQL Mutations with Query variables in Postman (6:27)
Automate GraphQL Queries & Mutations using Rest Assured automation (21:54)
Section 19: Cucumber BDD API Framework Development from Scratch - 2
Important Note
Introduction to Jenkins CI tool (4:12)
Integrating the API Framework into Jenkins and triggering with New job setup 24 (6:19)
Setting up Parameterized Jenkin Job for API Framework with multiple Tags 24/1 (8:32)
Section 20: Understanding Version Control System GIT
Introduction to GIT (8:41)
Importance of Github and its uses (9:05)
Creating Git config and repositories (8:39)
How to push code to remote repository (1:40)
Understanding Staging and commit in git (11:35)
Add remote repository and push the committed code (8:53)
End to end working example on Git commands -1 (15:48)
End to end working example on Git commands -2 (6:15)
Importance of Branching in GIT (24:55)
How to resolve Merge conflicts with GIT (14:17)
Section 21: Excel Integration with Rest Assured Test
what is Apace POI API & Download Instructions (10:09)
Strategy to Access Excel Data (15:18)
Getting rows and its cells from Sheet (15:16)
Retrieving Data from Excel based on condition (8:48)
Practise Exercise- Excel Driven testing -1 (11:45)
Practise Exercise- Excel Driven testing -2 (10:59)
Practise Exercise- Excel Driven testing -3 (10:00)
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Please note
Introducion to Library API (7:48)
Library APi Postman and Rest Assured examples (10:56)
Conversion of HashMap into Json (14:11)
Excel Integration with Rest Assured Test (15:22)
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Section 22: Core Java basics
Java program principles (8:32)
Classes,objects in Java (17:53)
Strings in Java (15:54)
String Practise exercises (9:22)
What is Interface? (11:22)
How Java classes can take advantage of Interface? (10:10)
Usage of Inheritance in Java (10:59)
Practical examples on types of inheritances (7:04)
Introduction to Arrays (8:56)
Single dimensional and Multidimensional arrays usage (12:37)
Section 23: BONUS- Student Special
Bonus Lecture
Get Social with Rahul Shetty
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Understand Add Place API and execute it through Postman
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